
Allineatore ottico di mira per Fucile - SPADONI
Allineatore ottico di mira da calcio in cuoio volanato marrone ingrassato con sei celle fucile. Interno con tessuto tecnico grippante.
Provvisto di tre fasce elastiche con bottone a pressione per una perfetta aderenza al calcio.
Alzate previste in tre misure mm. 15 mm. 25 mm. 45
Universal Red laser collimator - SIGHTMARK
Ideal for hunters, competitive shooters and law enforcement, this device significantly reduces wasted cartridges and bullets. Simply place the scope base over the barrel end of yourgun and it will attach magnetically.Works on all rifles, carbines and handguns. 17 a. 50 caliber
Universal Red laser collimator - SIGHTMARK
Ideal for hunters, competitive shooters and law enforcement, this device significantly reduces wasted cartridges and bullets. Simply place the scope base over the barrel end of yourgun and it will attach magnetically.Works on all rifles, carbines and handguns. 17 a. 50 caliber